I have the entire collection of oracle decks from my favorite tree artist, Allyson Williams Yee. Readings are $5 per card/stone unless otherwise specified

  • Category: Flora and Fauna Intuitive Readings
  • Service Duration: 45 Minutes
  • Price:$5



Each deck is imbued with ethereal tree images to engage intuition, tap into creative wisdom, self discovery and enlightenment.

The magic of these four different decks is in the sublime ethereal tree images that tap into the space between the physical and spiritual, this realm and beyond the veil.

These cards are special in that the reading is entirely intuitive. The artist/creator has created these decks to be used without infusing them with her own words or meanings.

These are some of my personal favorite decks.

1. Soul Trees Oracle Cards-80 Vibrant Trees to connect to your inner wisdom

2. Soul Seeds Oracle-80 Cosmic and Imaginative cards to uplift your soul and opening yourself up to new possibilities

3.Soul Trees Ascension Deck-80 cards to help raise your vibration and expand your awareness 

4. Dreamer's Journey-48 cards based on the Major Arcana to deepen your journey of self-discovery.

$5 per card

Layouts are intuitively selected based on your question. Decks can be interchanged and work wonderfully with each other